When you think about it, Ghosts of the Tom Clancy variety actually have quite a lot in common with ghosts of the Casper, The Friendly persuasion. After all, I mean… you know… well, they both have “ghost” in their name. They both, uh, talk to people… Oh, and invisibility! That’s the ticket. The latest Ghost Recon: Future Soldier, however, absolutely ruins my clever analogy. And I could tell you what exactly you’ll see with death-defying feats of linguistic gymnastics, but instead, I’m opting to take full advantage of the under-appreciated art form that is comic book sound effects. So, in short, BOOM, THOCK, KABIFF, POW, ZOTT, SPLUSH, RATTA-TAT, WHAM, BAM, THANK YOU MA’AM. Dramatically dive behind the break and shout something about “tangos” to watch the full trailer.
So yes, if we’re measuring this based on valuable nuggets of childhood wisdom, the Ghosts remember the buddy system but seem to have disregarded inside voices. That said, even in Big, Loud Manshoot mode, this trailer tends to put an emphasis on positioning, drawing fire, and flanking. So here’s hoping Future Soldier continues the series’ lineage of out-thinking and then out-shooting. Also, it may be sacrilege, but I’m totally OK with those snazzy X-Ray specs. Has anyone else played Blacklight: Retribution? Its brief brand of mega-voyeurism totally alters the dynamic of matches (in a good way), so I’m all for seeing more games test it out as a central mechanic.
Future Soldier’s out June 15.