Descend into the mysterious depths of The Cave in this adventure game from Ron Gilbert and Double Fine. Your first clue that The Cave is a place like no other will come just after you assemble your team of three unlikely adventurers–each with their own unique personalities and stories.
Archive for the ‘Action / Adventure’ Category
The Cave – Official Trailer
Miner Wars 2081 – Launch Intro Trailer
Miner Wars 2081 is a 6DOF action-survival space-shooter simulation-game set in the year 2081, 10 years after the destruction of all planetary objects in the Solar System. You operate an advanced mining ship in a fully destructible and open-world environment, which remains persistent as you complete missions or play online with others.
Gorman-Shooter: Colonial Marines Survivor Mode
Everyone’s favourite xenomorphs are back and this time they’re bringing a ‘survival mode’ with them…
Vapour Trail Ware – Generous Elite: Dangerous Footage
OMFG. Elite is BACK! If you’re not excited then you’re probably not old enough to remember it first time around…
An Eyeful Of Far Cry 3′s Multiplayer
Ubisoft are pimping Far Cry 3′s multiplayer in this new trailer, but will it be decent or just a typcial cookie cutter FPS bolt-on?
Borderlands 2 Torgue DLC
Getting bored of Borderlands 2? Want a dash of Macho Man Randy Savage to liven things up? You’re going to like this then…
GTA V Trailer #2
It’s been a while since we heard anything about everyone’s favourite carjacking, basejumping, prostitute murdering simulator, which I guess means it’s time for another trailer from Rockstar. In typical GTA fashion, this one is chock full of characters, dialogue, cut-scene and manages to show almost no actual gameplay.
Contre Jour Is A Lovely, If Short, Puzzle Game
Reading an article on Polygon, I clicked on some white space on the site, which turned out to be a catchment area for an advert far above. Grrrrr, I said, shaking my fists at the sky. But before I could add them to my hidden click shitlist with PC Gamer and NetworkN, I was rather taken with what had appeared. Not a big, flashing advert, but rather a game to play. A game – Contre Jour – that it turns out is really rather lovely. Advertising, folks – it works!
Landing On Steam: Fly’N Greenlit
Fly’N, Ankama’s exquisite and charming botanical platformer, is due to launch on the 9th of November, which just so happens to be tomorrow. It’ll be available on Steam, as the the Green Light of commerce has reflected kindly upon it, and there’s a new trailer to celebrate the release.
Far Cry 3′s Jason Brody Punches A Shark
Admittedly, Jason does other things in Far Cry 3‘s new story trailer aside from punching a shark. But really, is there any tale more gripping or universal than that of one dude, one shark, and one fist?