We’ve mentioned the astonishingly ambitious sci-fi combat and building game StarForge before, but now it requires a special nod, because the team behind it are trying to raise some money. Based on the extraordinary range of things they’ve already achieved – take a look at the video below for an illustration of that – I would say these are gents who deserve an even break.
Archive for the ‘Action / Adventure’ Category
StarForge Falls Out Of Sky, Lands On IndieGoGo
Mass Effect Trilogy – Official Trailer
BioWare released the official trailer showcasing the upcoming trilogy release of its acclaimed series Mass Effect. As Commander Shepard, rise to become the galaxy’s most elite soldier and lead an all-out war to stop an ancient and ruthless enemy: the Reapers.
Crime And Pun-ishment: First Person Shouter
Often to my own detriment, I am wildly intrigued by things that confuse and frighten me. True story: this kind of thinking resulted in me being chased across a gorgeous Japanese park by a herd of enraged deer. It’s with a similar mentality that I bring you word of First Person Shouter.
And Now You Can Buy Pid
I completely forgot about Might And Delight’s Pid. Last December I saw the first trailer, and my thoughts turned to goshes. Time then went past at a quite inconsiderate rate, and it’s out today. Crikey. And oddly enough, it’s still looking incredibly lovely. I’m going to get my hands on it straight away.
Trick Or Retreat: Outlast Mixes Scares, Mirror’s Edge
Alright now, everyone, gather ’round. I’m going to tell you a ghost story. One especially spooooooooky sunlit morning, we brought you word of Outlast, a PC-only survival-horror scare-a-thon from a group of folks who worked on Splinter Cell, Prince of Persia, Assassin’s Creed, and Uncharted. The attached 50-second snippet of footage seemed to hold promise, but tickled fancies more than it did scarybones.
Bioshock Infinite And The Beast of America
Bioshock Infinite has seen a few high-profile members of the team leave of late, but that doesn’t seem to have caused it to waver from its February 26th release date. The latest trailer shows off happenings of light and fury, with lots of combat. The skyline, Elizabeth, and the Handyman baddy feature heavily. If the original Bioshock was a colourful and visually offbeat shooter, then we’ll need to dust off rarely used 19th-century adjectives for this one. Go take a look.
Wildfire Worlds
The London riots caught us all by surprise. Whether or not they should have done is a question best left to David Dimbleby and his bumbling corral of inquisitors. But one thing I do remember thinking during the unrest, between feverishly refreshing Twitter and peeping at the BBC out of the corner of my eye, is this: someone should make a game about rioting?
Less Pocket, More Monster: Dragon’s Prophet
SOE’s new F2P fantasy MMO, Dragon’s Prophet, sounds like Pokemon but dragonier. I mean it, too. That is exactly what it sounds like. See for yourself: “In a world shaped by dragon-kind, more than 300 unique dragons roam the lands. Fight, capture, train and ride them in order to unlock their unique skills and abilities.” But, in reality, that’s only one aspect of its sky-searing DNA. The rest, meanwhile, might seem a bit more familiar if you’re from ’round these PC-friendly parts.
Farming Simulator 2013
OMG OMG OMG! Due out tomorrow and I can barely contain my excitement. For anyone out there calling themselves a hardcore gamer tomorrow will indeed be a day of jubilation and totally ignoring their loved ones so they can get more gaming done. Just think of all those lettuces waiting to be harvested. Really gets my juices flowing.
Halo 4 Scanned Launch Trailer
The official Halo 4 launch trailer, “Scanned,” has hit the Web. And it is impressive. Master Chief’s mind is violated by a powerful new enemy, who in searching for Chief’s weaknesses, finds the source of his strength.