If you’re a battlefield 3 player who has yet to upgrade themselves to Premium status or buy themselves the Armored Kill DLC, here’s a look at all the digital gorgeousness that you’re missing out on. You crazy fool, you.
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Archive for the ‘Combat’ Category
Armored Kill Cinematic
Dinobot DLC – Fall Of Cybertron Owners; Rejoice!
Okay, so this DLC has been out for a little while now and I normally wouldn’t have posted it, having missed the boat, but this is Grimlock related news. If I have news that relates to Grimlock I don’t care how old it is, Imma post it anyhow…………Best. Transformer. EVER.
Guild What The F#ck?
Guild Wars two has just won the award for the most retarded game advert ever. It’s a coveted prize and was given out by me in that last sentence. Congratulations guys. The game looks fun but the advert is pants-on-head retarded.
Dogfight 1942 – Arcade Explosion Trailer
Piloting a wide range of aircraft, players engage in aerial dogfights and dangerous fighter missions across the major theaters of war during WWII. Featuring realistic aircraft, DOGFIGHT 1942 introduces cutting-edge flight dynamics with unprecedented arcade accessibility.
Iron Sky: Invasion
In Iron Sky: Invasion you play a space-pilot defending Earth from those lunar lunatics. Don’t worry though, you’ve been given plenty of dangerous, experimental, secretly manufactured weaponry and space-fighters to play with.
Natural Selection 2 Selects October Launch Date, Naturally
True fact: natural selection, the “survival of the fittest” cornerstone of Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, was named after Unknown Worlds’ Natural Selection 2. Yes, that’s right: Natural Selection 2 has been in development since the mid-1800s. Check a history book. It’s the truth.
Wasteland 2 Footage Leaks, Robot Scorpions Roar
Some sneak has released footage of Fargo’s Kickstarted Wasteland 2. Blurry enough that you know they wouldn’t want it out there, but footage of Wasteland 2 enough that you’ll want to see it. Showing how the Unity 3D engine is being used to create an RPG, it demos how the camera can be pulled into a top-down view for the old-schoolers. Look below.
All out Vehicle Warfare – Battlefield 3: Armored Kill Trailer
Get ready for All out Vehicle Warfare in the new expansion Armored Kill for Battlefield 3 – Where it will tweak not only guns, but squash those irritating bugs out there as well. Not only that, it is said that user interface issues will be fixed good and proper this time around with the next expansion pack for the highly popular Battlefield franchise.
If the CoD guys just aren’t providing you with enough bland first person shooter action and you need some delicious, generic army man ass-whoopin’ action, this could be right up your street. Then again so could a lobotomy. Still, at least it’s cheaper than buying another bloody Call Of Duty game!
Aliens: Colonial Marines – Escape Mode Trailer
Buckle up, soldier! Welcome to Aliens: Colonial Marines. Created by Gearbox, the critically acclaimed and fan-favourite developers of Borderlands and Brothers In Arms, this first-person shooter is steeped in the eerie, claustrophobic and terrifying atmosphere that made the Aliens films successful worldwide.