Developer 5th Cell is focusing on smaller, 3-versus-3 multiplayer matches with its third-person shooter Hybrid, but those compact firefights feed into a greater, global online war.
Archive for the ‘Combat’ Category
Escape From Mount Stupid – Season Three Teaser
They’re back, folks. Here’s a taste of what to expect in season three of Escape From Mount Stupid. We’ve got everything you ever wanted to know about the games coming out in 2012.
Doom 3 BFG Edition – Lost Missions Trailer
Doom 3 BFG Edition is a combo pack that includes Doom 3 and the Resurrection of Evil add-on pack with enhanced visuals, new seven-level campaign, Doom, and Doom II – You are the last hope in a race to stop a full scale invasion from Hell.
Conano: Tiny Barbarian DX
If you’re a fan of Conan The Barbarian and retro platform games, you’re gonna love this…..The original Tiny Barbarian was a splendid little platformer, with secrets to discover and monsters to be barbaric toward. Based on The Frost Giant’s Daughter, an original Conan story, it was lovely and free.
Bronze For Beelzebub: Devil’s Third
Tomonobu Itagaki, creator of beach sport simulations and ninja revivals, is bringing his next game to the PC. Devil’s Third is a third-person action game that doesn’t look entirely dissimilar to his previous team’s Ninja Gaiden series, although with a few more shotguns and other metal death pipes thrown in for good measure.
Battlefield 3: Armored Kill – Gameplay Premiere Trailer
The first gameplay trailer for Battlefield 3 DLC Armored Kill has been released by EA, although the download still doesn’t have a specific release date beyond sometime in September. Although the contents of Armored Kill have been known about for some time, EA has never released any screenshots or video footage until now.
Jaws Will Drop: Thirteen Minutes Of Metro – Last Light
Usually when I watch long sequences from unreleased games I’m squinting, wearing my analytical face, trying to work out where the gap between hype and reality is most obvious, trying to see what might be true and what might be marketing.
The Devil Wears Spandex: Marvel Heroes
Under normal circumstances, I would not be excited about a game called Marvel Heroes. I mean, I love Robert Downey Jr: A Movie About Robert Downey Jr Starring Robert Downey Jr (And The Avengers Sometimes) as much as anyone, but these licenses tend to be about as much fun as being bitten by a writhing mass of regular, non-radioactive spiders.
Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn Trailer
It’s finally here! The first full-length, official, live action Halo series is here on Machinima Prime! “Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn” is a live-action digital series that takes fans back to the terrifying beginning of the Human/Covenant war, when the Master Chief inspired a young cadet who would eventually become a leader aboard the UNSC’s greatest vessel: the UNSC Infinity.
Summertime And The Killin’ Is Easy: Killing Floor
Killing Floor is an acquired taste, or at least it was for me, like chugging down a bucket full of rust and blood, with accents so dodgy they’d taken on form and floated atop the grungy broth like cockney croutons.