What now, CoD? Battlefield 3′s latest expansion pack boasts birtbike chases across vast maps, capture the flag goodness and even a dropship that can dump vehicles onto the battlefield. Oh and watch the video through to the end if you’re a fan of Battlefield 3′s jets. It looks like there’s something here for just about everyone! HOOAH!
Archive for the ‘¬ Xbox / Xbox One’ Category
Battlefield 3′s End Game
Killer Is Dead – Debut Trailer
Described as ‘part Killer7, part No More Heroes’, the game releases in Japan mid-year and follows the exploits of 35-year-old executioner Mondo Zapper. It’s also stylish and raunchy in that classic Suda51 style, with the game’s hero explaining that the game is all about ‘Love & Execution’.
Black Ops II DLC lets gamers play as zombies
Revolution expansion pack for Activision’s latest Call of Duty adds five new maps, one gun, and “Turned” gametype for Zombies mode. The rumor was right.
Fantastic GTA V Artwork
Over the weekend, Rockstar collected every piece of promotional art so far made available for Grand Theft Auto V, cleaned them up, made sure each had a nice big background behind them then then scaled them to wallpaper size.
Aliens Colonial Marines Pre-order Trailer
With Gearbox’s long developed, and highly anticipated, survival horror shooter Aliens: Colonial Marines finally nearing release, Sega and Gearbox have decided its time to start giving you some story details to enjoy. We already know that all this chaos takes place aboard the USS Sulaco and happens after the events of James Cameron’s Aliens film.
Crysis 3: Six Minutes More Man-Arrowing Footage
Crysis 3 has taken on a strange, amorphous shape in my head. I’m rather excited. I realise I am in a (handsome, intelligent and perceptive) minority in having had a great time in Crysis 2, but I can’t help feeling that Crytek’s mission is laudable. They really do want to make the shooter that covers everything, and is all things to all shooter-fans. Yerli’s quotes in that interview suggest he’s lost none of his ambition, and it’s clear that all kinds of concessions have to be made in projects of this magnitude. And the very least they are aiming high. This new footage, below, contains some spectacular moments. Go take a look.
Mario Minecraft
It took Gavin and Geoff of Achievement Hunter about four hours to build Super Mario Bros.’ 1-1 level almost block-for-block in Minecraft.
It’s not perfect, but the guys from Achievement Hunter could make a video about paint drying and still somehow make it fun to watch. After running through the level in one take they show the scene from different angles and explain how it all worked.
New Grand Theft Auto V screens
Latest batch of screenshots for Rockstar Games’ upcoming open-world title show shark, submarine, planes, and blimp. Rockstar Games has provided a holiday gifts to gamers: new Grand Theft Auto V screenshots. In a post to the company’s blog titled Happy Holidays – Enjoy”, Rockstar released five new screens from the hotly hyped open-world action game.
Black Hole Fun: Bit.Trip Void
There probably aren’t enough capital letters in that headline. Gaijin Games’ rhythm action releases do insist on themselves. It’s all ‘BIT.TRIP this’ and ‘BIT.TRIP that’ in the titles, which is odd because the games themselves are much more careful about making a racket. Void was the third entry in the series over in Nintendo land and it’s the third released on PC as well, although the fourth was released as the second. Forget all that though because there’s sod all continuity between entries and little plot to speak of, as the video below demonstrates.
Eye Spy – Dark And Light In Splinter Cell: Blacklist
Way back when Splinter Cell: Blacklist first leaped into the spotlight, it did so in a fairly strange fashion by, well, leaping into the spotlight. Instead of methodical skulking, we saw fast-paced hulking – in broad, nearly blinding daylight, no less. It felt bizarre, as though Sam had suddenly become some hard-charging young gun in his old age. Recent videos, however, have eased my fear the teensiest of bits on that front – first with some admittedly takedown-heavy stealth, and now by showing us just how much time and effort is going into getting various forms of light and darkness just right.