True fact: natural selection, the “survival of the fittest” cornerstone of Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, was named after Unknown Worlds’ Natural Selection 2. Yes, that’s right: Natural Selection 2 has been in development since the mid-1800s. Check a history book. It’s the truth.
Archive for the ‘Game News’ Category
Natural Selection 2 Selects October Launch Date, Naturally
Wasteland 2 Footage Leaks, Robot Scorpions Roar
Some sneak has released footage of Fargo’s Kickstarted Wasteland 2. Blurry enough that you know they wouldn’t want it out there, but footage of Wasteland 2 enough that you’ll want to see it. Showing how the Unity 3D engine is being used to create an RPG, it demos how the camera can be pulled into a top-down view for the old-schoolers. Look below.
Word Rally Championship 3
If you’re a fan or driving games then you’ll want to mark this one in your calendar. WTC is due out on the 12th October and it’s looking awesome.
All out Vehicle Warfare – Battlefield 3: Armored Kill Trailer
Get ready for All out Vehicle Warfare in the new expansion Armored Kill for Battlefield 3 – Where it will tweak not only guns, but squash those irritating bugs out there as well. Not only that, it is said that user interface issues will be fixed good and proper this time around with the next expansion pack for the highly popular Battlefield franchise.
If the CoD guys just aren’t providing you with enough bland first person shooter action and you need some delicious, generic army man ass-whoopin’ action, this could be right up your street. Then again so could a lobotomy. Still, at least it’s cheaper than buying another bloody Call Of Duty game!
Working DeLorean In GTA IV
If you’re a fan of the Back to the future series, this could just be your lucky day. Some indrioustrious fellow has decided to create a BTTF mod for GTA complete with a fully decked out DeLorean. This gull winged badboy comes complete with fluxing flux capacitor, working time circuits and a full complement of plutonium. Read the rest of this entry »
Found: Fifteen Minutes Of Lost Planet 3
The Lost Planet games seem to divide people. They have their problems, it’s true, but there’s something in their native silliness and overwrought spectacle that I can’t help loving. Perhaps I am just a sucker for sci-fi catastrophe. Either way, it’s interesting to see just how Lost Planet 3 is dividing people, even fans of the original games, with the fresh cry of: “It’s all a bit frozen Dead Space.” Is that right?
Do It Yourself In Skyrim Hearthfire
Here’s official news on the second Skyrim expansion, Hearthfire. The hook here is that you get to build yourself a home from the ground up, which involves finding yourself a patch of land then building and expanding a building appropriate to your tastes/budget upon it.
Natural Selections 2′s Exosuit Is “A Can Of Boom”
We all like robot battlesuits. Yes, even you, Steve. So it is with whirr-stomp gladness that we are able to reveal Natural Selection 2‘s exosuit. Yes, it’s a robot suit, with a man inside, with guns for arms.
DL Sea: Mass Effect’s ‘Leviathan’ Mission Dives Deep
Really, if you think about it, the ocean is basically space, but more blue. I mean, both are sorely lacking in breathable air, give us the ability to defy basic physics while shouting “wheeeeee,” and are absolutely, positively, I-really-really-hope teeming with life. (What if fish aren’t real?! Wouldn’t that be a total bummer?)