Our news-pumped chums at VG247 recently talked to Patrick Bach from DICE about the upcoming Armoured Kill DLC for Battlefield 3 : Huge maps on which tanks and other vehicles do endless full-metal biff to each other.
Archive for the ‘Game News’ Category
Battlefield 3′s Armoured Kill Looks Like Quite The Thing
Valve Cinemagic: CSGO’s Source Filmmaker Short
Still loving CS:S? Then i have some good news, it’s shiny new update is here… If it wasn’t already amazingly apparent, Valve is quite well-versed in the ways of moviefilm-fu.
Planetary Annihilation: Total Annihilation With Planets
Fancy annihilating some planets? Yeah you do! So Total Annihilation (and, more recently, Supreme Commander) were big, but Planetary Annihilation is shooting for the stars.
Ro-busters: TF2′s New Co-Op Horde Mode Unveiled
Here we go! After years of speculation, Valve have finally taken the wraps off a recently-hinted new mode and third faction for their game of ratatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatboomdead.
Pump Up The Volumetrics: CryEngine 3 Tech Demo
I approach engine tech demos with caution, as if they were primed to explode, or at least deceive me with their promises and lies. They’re not necessarily representative of anything that will actually be seen in a game, unless you’re one of those people who reckons iD games are tech demos?
Borderlands 2 – Come And Get Me
Gearbox have released another trailer for the forthcoming Borderlands 2. It might not have the best graphics on the planet but if you’ve played the first one you’ll know just how addictive collecting and upgrading your arsenal can be…
Express Yourself: Everquest II Adds SOEmote Tech
The continued support and updating for EverQuest II never fails to surprise me. The MMO is now eight years old, but still played and receiving regular updates and content, and now some tech that I’ve not seen used elsewhere. They’re awkwardly calling it SOEmote, a thing where a webcam pointed at your face will translate your expressions onto your in-game character. You can see it in action below.
Silly Name, Interesting-Looking Game: Warframe
A Warframe could be anything from the estranged twin cousin of Firefall’s “battleframes” to a homicidal portrait well-versed in the art of large-scale military combat, but you know what? The F2P videogame called Warframe doesn’t look half-bad. Digital Extremes has finally seen fit to show off some real (read: not paused in a state of dramatic tension) gameplay, and there’s definite potential here. I mean, yeah, it looks like Mass Effect 3 meets Metal Gear Solid’s Gray Fox, but wait, let me re-read that thing I just wrote. Oh my.
GTA Horse Mod
I know right? That ICEnhancer mod is nice and all but what the Grand Theft Auto 4 community is really after is a horse mod. Not one that ads joy-ridable horses but one that lets you play AS a horse, canter free on the streets through crowds of pedestrians before leaping into a vehicle and driving off into the horizon.
Oculus Rift
Remember VR headsets? Probably not. They were popular for a while, way back when. Like 3D movies before them, they were an interesting concept but ultimately just a load of balls. The technology wasn’t all there and they were more of a novelty than something that genuinely had longevity and use for a wide range of games.