Archive for the ‘Game News’ Category

Fight In The Shade: Skyrim’s Dawnguard Trailer

Posted on Jun 1, 2012 02:59:00 PM

When Skyrim’s Dawnguard DLC was announced, we were worried it might end up just being a pair of equippable contact lenses. A new prE3 trailer shows that it’s actually some manner of major expansion with attempts to blot out the sun being made and all sorts. What seems clear is that players will be faced with a choice; do you wish to live in a graveyard and eat people, all supernatural-like, or would you rather have a pair of equippable contact lenses? See for yourself.

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A Portal Movie so Good Valve Should Make it Official

Posted on May 31, 2012 10:00:22 AM

First teased earlier in the year, Synthetic Picturehaus’ amazing Portal film Lab Ratt is now complete and ready for viewing. So you should watch it.

It tells the story of Doug Rattman. Doug, aka the guy who did all the paintings you find tucked behind the walls in the game. It starts a little slow, but once things start to go poorly, the flick really hits its stride.

Lab Ratt runs for 14 minutes, so have a cup of tea handy before hitting play.

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CryEngine 3 / Beam Physics: Soft Body, Hard Metal

Posted on May 30, 2012 10:00:25 AM

In response to our various sightings of Crysis 3, the RPS stronghold is currently flying these flags: blue with green braiding, taupe with a cyan crucifix and burple with vibrant lavender thistle emblems. And we all know what that says about our opinions on Crytek’s next shooter. Even as we debate the openy worlidiness or lack thereof of Prophet’s latest alien-hectoring rampage, it’s worth keeping in mind that Crytek have, by and large, been good for game technology.

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This Skyrim-Inspired Trials Evolution Track Lets You Vroom Through Tamriel

Posted on May 29, 2012 07:16:45 PM

The latest physics-intensive racer from RedLynx features a killer track editing system that lets users build ridiculously intricate environments. As seen on YouTube, one Trials Evo creator paid homage to Bethesda’s hit action RPG with a medieval race course. The only thing it’s missing are Jarls and Hold Guards. I personally will be logging on later to get my Dovah-Moto on.

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Planetside 2′s Fire In The Sky

Posted on May 28, 2012 07:13:02 PM

If there’s any justice in this dark, terrible world, PlanetSide 2 will be the last action videogame we ever need. If it can do what the first game did, fix the problems and escalate it to new places… then ooh. Ooh. I do fear what the post-COD ubiquity of ranking systems and unlocks might do to it, mind. This peek at ‘massive air combat’ certainly allays worries it’ll be a small-scale territory war at least, and demonstrates that PS2 intends to use the skies far more than its proud predecessor did.

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Tekken Tag 2 – Free DLC!

Posted on May 25, 2012 10:10:51 AM

Here’s a video of the first batch of DLC characters for Tekken Tag 2. The first batch of free characters. Actually, to keep the game balanced, there are no plans for paid Tekken Tag Tournament 2 DLC characters (keep in mind that doesn’t mean no paid DLC, just no paid characters). Still, those are very good plans.

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Lively Island: Techland’s Mad Riders

Posted on May 24, 2012 10:00:01 AM

What… where…. Who? Videowhats? I’ve been away for a week (pleasure not work for once, although the weather did its best to undermine that) without internet teats to suckle upon and I currently have about as much idea of what’s going in the land of videogames as I do about ballroom dancing.

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Gratuitous Tank Battles Steams Up, Honest Trailer

Posted on May 23, 2012 10:00:22 AM

Cliffski’s complex take on the tower-defence genre has arrived on Steam (and can still of course be purchased directly from the developer) and that event has been celebrate with a bombastic new trailer, which you can see below. Read the rest of this entry »

Robin’s Hood: Harley Quinn’s Revenge Trailer Goes Batty

Posted on May 22, 2012 10:00:45 AM

Sometimes, it’s easy to forget that sidekicks have a purpose. They are, after all, easily kidnapped by arch-nemeses, generally ineffective unless dwelling in their natural habitat of the hero’s shadow, and rarely capable of putting together a costume that doesn’t implicitly beg for a super-powered swirly. I have to say, though, that Batman: Arkham City’s Harley Quinn’s Revenge DLC looks pretty promising.

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Quantum Conundrum Serves Some Science Juice

Posted on May 21, 2012 03:48:34 PM

When John tried to unravel Quantum Conundrum he reported that there were several dimensions, including a heavy one, a gravity reversing one and another that slows down time. Those sit alongside (if dimensions sit or have sides) the fluffy dimension that has been shown in the previously released videos. I didn’t believe a word of Walker’s report of course. Why would he be traipsing around dimensions that the rest of us haven’t even laid eyes on? What gives him the right?

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