Levine describes this latest “heavy hitter” character as “sort of a tragic figure.” The video goes some way to explaining why: a heavily-scarred gentleman trapped in a giant, ape-like robotic suit, at the centre of which is what appears to be a heart in a glass case. Threatening, indeed, but you really wouldn’t want to share his fate. There’s a bit of footage, and even a few glimpses of concept art for what the handyman could have been in other, hideous incarnations.
Archive for the ‘Game News’ Category
Wild Palms: Bioshock Infinite Footage Shows Handyman
Cube World Dinosaur Takes A Promotional Beating
Just a couple of years ago saying “the graphics are a bit blocky” was a way to put down a game, but now it seems it might just as likely be an indication of indie-success. It’s been almost a month since we last saw something from the cheerily blockular Cube World, but now it’s back with a “Monsters” trailer.
Look: Mechwarrior Online In Action
So you’ve read about John’s encounter with Mechwarrior Online, but how about seeing it in action? Head below for a battle in a riverbed. An interesting contrast with Hawken, I would say. This really is the year of the Mech. And lasers!
Sand In Your Pants: The Itchy New Spec Ops Trailer
Spec Ops: The Line is on a mission to prove it’s not just the sand that’s gritty with this new “Community Gameplay Trailer”.
Battlefield 3 Close Quarters Video Blows. Up. Everything.
When buildings are collapsing and jets are being all “newwwwwwwrhghghghggh”, it’s easy to forget that the Battlefield 3 engine does small things as well.
Ghost Recon Future Soldier Has 20 Million Gun Configs
The man in this video had ten different customised weapons waiting for him at any time, so remember that if you choose to mock his overly-dramatic presentation of Ghost Recon Future Soldier’s Gunsmith capabilities in the comments: he probably has a ‘snotty internet jerk’ config that’ll make the Windows key on your keyboard garotte you.
Warface Is The Face Of War, Okay
WARFACE, I mean. But also: this CGI trailer – which signals the beta sign-ups commencing – is all a bit Battlefield 3 until the mech turns up. Wait- what? Warface is Crytek’s first AAA freemium shooter, developed on CryENGINE 3.
SimCity Returns!
The classic city building simulator that has been absent from the video game landscape for the last 9 years is finally back. It’s going to be 3D, have online functionality and apparently it’ll even have curvy roads! WOOT!
Intercepted – XCOM: Enemy Unknown In Action
Here are my words on Firaxis’ X-COM remake, here are the lead developer’s words, and below, for the first time, is your own chance to eyeball it in glorious technicolour and living motion.