Archive for the ‘Game News’ Category

The Amazing Spiderman – Rhino Trailer

Posted on Mar 2, 2012 11:00:49 AM

If you’re a fan of the webhead wall crawler and don’t mind that the latest film looks like it could be abit of a washout, you’re probably already super psyked about the upcoming video game tie-in. If not, you likely will be after watching this trailer.

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Wait For The (Bullet) Drop: Sniper Elite V2 Killcam Video

Posted on Feb 29, 2012 11:00:48 AM

If Sniper Elite V2?s Killcam of the Week is a thing now, then I’m all for it. Simple, effective delivery of bullets to the brain over distance has always been my favourite thing in games, even better when we get to join the bullet on their journey, to share the excitement of their life’s ambition of making a skull’s acquaintance. Rebellion’s WW2 sniper sim puts you in the pants of a an OSS agent, hunting his targets through the Battle of Berlin. Historically inaccurate video, below.

I hope the X-Ray effect isn’t just an affectation for the videos, but everything we’ve seen of it shows the innards of the targets leering for the camera in similar garish fashion.

Wait For The (Bullet) Drop: Sniper Elite V2 Killcam Video” was posted By Craig Pearson on February 23rd, 2012 at 3:40 pm

New Borderlands 2 Trailer Promises Lots, Game Hits This September

Posted on Feb 27, 2012 11:00:44 AM

Would you like to play Borderlands 2? You can do it on September 18 this year, on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC. (September 21 for international audiences, Gearbox tells us, meaning those of you not in North America.)

You can even play it in splitscreen. Four-player co-op, too. With more guns and skills than ever, it looks like.

New Borderlands 2 Trailer Promises Lots, Game Hits This September” was posted By Stephen Totilo Feb 22, 2012 8:04 AM

CS: GO, GO, GO: Full Beta, New Weapons And Maps

Posted on Feb 24, 2012 12:19:07 PM

I was rather close to falling down a deep, dark Counter-Strike hole just after the Counter-Strike:Global Offensive launched in November, but a broken PC released me from a frightening future of constant de_dust2 battles and crying about how unfair it is. I’d actually forgotten I had it until Valve and Hidden Path updated it this week, switching from a stress test to a big-assed closed beta, with over 80 tweaks. The big changes are the addition of three reworked classic maps, de_inferno, de_train, and de_nuke, and new guns, the Nova shotgun, the Bizon and the MP7 SMGs. But there’s more.

Any changes made to Counter-Strike brings more eyes, more opinions, than any other game I can think of, and Valve are using this as a real beta, not a marketing exercise. Aside from adding extra content, they’ve already altered the recoil twice: first according to CS pro Salvatore “Volcano” Garozzo’s tip that the recoil was too much and too difficult to control, and then shortly after when it was clear their tweak wasn’t nearly enough to help out player. CS: GO is an actual work-in-progress.

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Ride The Light: Waveform On Its Way To Steam

Posted on Feb 23, 2012 12:15:13 PM

Waveform is an interesting experiment in minimal game design: you stretch and compress a wave passing through space, manipulating it to fit the patterns it encounters. It’s on the relaxing end of the spectrum, with only one control and chill-out music. Despite a troubled inception, failing to reach a modest Kickstarter goal of $8000 funding, it’s managed to wiggle into Steam’s servers, oscillating to fit the wavelength of Gabe Newell’s heart. Fancy seeing what it’ll look like? Video here.

It’s got some (oscillo)scope, and it’ll come with a wave editor as DLC, although there’s no word if that’s free or paid for.

Obviously it would be handy of the launch trailer told is when the game is due, but this does nothing of the sort. You’ll just have to ping a rubber band between your fingers, or get a long length of rope and flick it, watching the flick move along, while you wait for it to land sometime in March.

Ride The Light: Waveform On Its Way To Steam” was posted By Craig Pearson on February 22nd, 2012 at 1:51 pm

Grave, Watery: Deep Black: Reloaded Gets Demo

Posted on Feb 17, 2012 05:13:40 PM

Have you ever played a third-person shooter and thought, “Well, this is all well and good, but why isn’t it underwater?!” before screaming and throwing your property out the window? Put down that hatstand, because there’s a demo for Deep Black: Reloaded. And it features jet packs and harpoons.

This is, I should stress, from Biart, the same people who brought us Depth Hunter. The “Reloaded” comes from its being a version of a 360/PS3 digital game, but, um, the console’s Deep Black hasn’t been released yet. My brain hurts. It’s a near-future sci-fi, that promises a story involving espionage and bio-terror, and a smattering of world supremacy.

Grave, Watery: Deep Black: Reloaded Gets Demo” was posted By John Walker on February 15th, 2012 at 11:18 am

Off Road And Off Their Meds: Mad Riders

Posted on Feb 16, 2012 08:00:13 PM

Techland are a developer famous to different people for different things. Some know them as the people behind the Call Of Juarez series, others for last year’s very decent Dead Island, and others still as the racing game team who gave us Nail’d. (Oddly though, they don’t seem to know this about themselves, with a website that doesn’t mention the latter two games at all.) It’s in their racing guise that they offer Mad Riders (also not mentioned on their site), an Ubisoft published off-road arcade racer that just about gets a mention on their site.

I say “just about”, as the their site”>UK version of that page lists it as an XBLA game with a release date of “COMIN”. It seems more accurate information straight from Ubi reveals it to be coming out on PC, XBLA and PSN in the Spring. Nowhere, from its trailer, the email, press release, nor the website, seems to want to say the word “quadbike”, but the trailer seems to indicate that’s what you’re riding on here.

Off Road And Off Their Meds: Mad Riders” was posted By John Walker on February 15th, 2012 at 11:59 am

Far Cry 3 Trailer Leaks, Release Date: Sept 6th

Posted on Feb 15, 2012 08:56:09 PM

This feels dirty: the Far Cry 3 trailer has leaked a day early, a CGI introduction to the lead character’s holiday going stinky. I have just watched it and can confirm there’s bad language, a boat, guns, and a man not shooting someone when he really, really should have. It also confirms the release date as September 6th, and has dubstep. If you want to watch it, the link’s there, although there’s every chance it’ll be pulled by legal ninjas. In that case, there’s a teaser trailer below.

I’d have shot him.

Far Cry 3 Trailer Leaks, Release Date: Sept 6th” was posted By Craig Pearson on February 15th, 2012 at 12:24 pm

Call of Duty: Police Warfare is a (Very Cool) Fake

Posted on Feb 14, 2012 09:22:26 PM

The Call of Duty franchise has covered almost every corner of the globe, from snow-capped mountains to the streets of suburban America. But it’s never strayed too far outside of its military roots. What if there were a Call of Duty game that put you into the shoes of a different type of enforcer—namely, a law enforcer?

The video above proports to be “leaked internal footage” of an upcoming downloadable game called Call of Duty: Police Warfare. It’s a fake. But it’s a very convincing one, convincing enough that you wouldn’t be a foolish fool if you were fooled by it.

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IcEnhancer 2.0 Released

Posted on Feb 13, 2012 07:54:33 PM

I know we’ve told you about this beautiful GTAIV mod before, but frankly I can’t get enough of it. It’s more beautiful than a naked Emma stone riding a unicorn made entirely of bacon.

Anyway, the newest iteration of this computerised eyecandy is available now and waiting to be downloaded. A word of warning though, unless your rig is a total MONSTER you will probably need an upgrade to get the most out of this…